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Castles, Ghosts, Legends
An ideais something that strikes you! It hits you, suddenly, but if it's gone through your brain, it must have stemmed from something...
So it's a recurring thought... or at least, recent!
Not always!
Sometimes you can see or hear or read, but you're distracted, you have other thoughts running through your head...
Until, you know, the idea fills up every room of your brain, every corner, whether it's hidden or not, and explodes, overwhelmingly, overcoming everything else!
It's ripe, it has wandered for a long time in the maze of the unconscious, adding sensations, anxieties, deductions, emotions, upsets, wonder, emotion...
And now it seems clear to you, in every detail, everything fits and coincides perfectly, it integrates, it gets completed with automatisms that you cannot explain.
It's no longer just an idea, it became a project and the idea its embryo...
Around it inferences proliferate, one by one, to bind together the connotations of the event.
Analyzing the fact in itself, I mean the origin of the idea, I have to go back in time, not to the Middle Ages, no, much more simply to the visit of the Castle of Padernello after the invitation of a dear friend, Giuseppe, who on that occasion presented with a booklet, a few pages long, written by Gian Mario Andrico, "The White Lady"...
As I passed from one room to another, the rooms of the Castle were no longer empty, furnished or not...
The library, the kitchens, the staircase, the attic, everywhere there were children chasing each other, playing ball, rolling their wooden hoops, challenging each other by rubbing the little spinning tops, the sissies already felt grown-ups reading texts from huge bookshelves... or mothers cradling their dolls in their arms.
In short, I was certainly not alone within those walls and I nearly could not hear what Giuseppe patiently described to me, with a wealth of details, as if he could read my thoughts and felt his duty to make me acquainted with historical details that are not always found in books, anecdotes that only folk memory hands on...
And the picture that was looming before my eyes was now coming true.
The story, or perhaps it would be more correct to say, the legend, of the White Lady did not leave room for anything else ... until its epilogue, legend or reality, and you can’t remain indifferent ... feeling is mixed with emotion and fantasy creates images sweet, melancholic but not sad, feeding stories that add to the legend.
And from one legend you pass to another, in a climax of romantic, tribal, convivial, war or family events where there is always a Castle in the background and in the Castle ...
ghosts and legends!
Salvatore Attanasio
the Project inspired ...

Giuseppe Nova

I castelli e i fantasmi, allegoria
di un’emozione
Premetto che non sono un grande intenditore di arte fotografica, ma ogni... continua a leggere

Giovanna Buonanno

Ghosts, fantasmi
Spettri, spiriti, ghost, poltergeist (presenze), segugi spettrali, klopgeist (spiriti che percuotono), ectoplasmi... continua

Paolo Avanzi

Castelli e fiabe
Salvatore Attanasio ci fa rivivere, nel suo affascinante reportage foto-grafico, un mondo fiabesco, di altri... continua

Daniela Dante

La Dama della Rocca
In piedi avvolta
nel mio mantello
ascolto il refolo d’aria...

Massimo Lanzini

Ritratto di castello con fantasma
Castelli, fantasmi, leggende. A legarli lo scatto di una macchina fotografica. O forse la sensibilità dell’occhio... continua

Stefano Lusardi

Gli Otisi nella casa del Podestà
Questa storia non è basata unicamente sulla fantasia e sulla leggenda, ma trae origini dal-l'invenzione ...     continua

Gian Mario Andrico

I folletti
Non ci sono più, demonizzati dalla moderna pedagogia che a forza di avere paura anche dell’ombra... continua a leggere oppure ascolta

Mario Pastelli

Bran, il castello di Dracula
Mi chiamo Mario Pastelli, amo viaggiare, e all'inizio del 2020 avevo in programma di andare in ...

Doppia Ypsilon

Any year from the end of the 20th century. A foggy night in any town of the Po Delta. A commissioner ...

Anna Bruna Gigliotti

The page and Princess Ingrid
As a child Anna lived in a neighborhood called "La Torre", in the town of her father ... continue reading or listen to the story

Domenico Pedroni

Castles, ghosts, legends
The white and the black.
Ghosts and legends.
The castles and fortresses. ...

Paolo Buzi

The room of spirits
On the desk there were white sheets of paper and sharp pencils with which I wrote words as thin as .... continue or listen to the story

Anna Martinenghi

I protect
Don't call me a castle. I am female. Female without frills and without a crown.  Made for warriors, not for kings... continue or listen to the story

Fausto Lorenzi

The ghosts,  the eternal illusion
We should always be on the look-out when we look at a photograph. Try to see who is coming, even if he...   to be continued

Liliana Lucia Catalano

Palasciano Tower
I was there several times as a girl, with friends who went up to play cards. I don't like cards, I used to... continue or listen to the story

Alessandro Cheula

Ghosts with no name
The ghost of the castle not as a hostile alien or a disturbing presence but as a hovering "genius loci" to be continued

Teresa Garofalo

Castles, ghosts, legends
Crumbled towers, ruined ramparts suffocated by weedy brambles and thick ivy branches, walls torn to shreds, wretched... to be continued

Claudio Pedrazzini

We are ghosts because only those who believe or want to believe in them can see or, at least, perceived them... to be continued

Alvaro Mario Ferlenghi

         To the Castle, to the Castle...
To the castle, to the castle... To the castle to hunt Giacomina The Ghost. The crowd convened on the hill of Dosem and while... to be continued

Amelia Pisante

Once upon a time...
For about 900 years the word “castle” has entered our architectural, literary, fairy, legendary ... to be continued

Pino Mongiello

Life and Death at the Castle
The castles that we see in story books look like they are made of marzipan and have pastel colours. In some of the towers ... to be continued

Giovanni Pesticcio

Castles, ghosts and legends
The home page of the site begins with the phrase "an idea is something that strikes you!". As soon as I read it... to be continued

Lucia Marchitto

My mother makes the sign of the cross when she sees her and makes me turn my head on the other side, sometimes, even ... to be continued

Jolanda Barbieri

The Castle and pastoce
His name was Gioachi and he was a “pastucer“ that is, a storytelling who performed in the farmhouses ...

Gian Mario Andrico

When, one winter evening in 1992 (about thirty years ago), I gathered from the voice of Countess Sofia Salvadego ... to be continued

Daniela Dante

Inside vast rooms
of the ancient manor
footsteps resound
official website of the project castles, ghosts, legends from an idea of salvatore attanasio
copyright © 2020, any reproduction, even partial, of text or images contained in the site is forbidden
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